Michelle’s Bio

I’ll never forget the day I watched the tears of joy and gratitude well up in my client’s eyes as we listened to the judge grant him visitation with his daughter. That was the day my decision to specialize in family law paid off in spades. Any attorney will tell you – it’s a profession made up of long hours and difficult decisions, and family law in particular has quite its share of heartache and tragedy. But this particular client’s excitement and hope and clumsy gratitude were truly contagious – it was incredibly validating for us both that the importance of his role in his daughter’s life was being recognized. That day, I was very proud to be a family attorney, and I’m fortunate to have no shortage of moments like this one.
My clients come to me when they’re moving through a very dark time in their lives. Divorce and Child Custody suits are always difficult, and I like knowing that I’m helping my clients at this complicated juncture in their lives. Everyone deserves someone on his or her side, and I’m fortunate when it can be me.
Not only do I have the education and job training to guide my clients through the twists and turns of the legal system, I have a genuine desire to find the best possible solution to every case I handle. It’s incredibly rewarding, and I find that thrilling because it wasn’t always so.
Before moving to family law, I worked primarily in bankruptcy law at a large local firm. There, I had far less opportunity to work directly with clients and I found my passion for what I did fading. When the opportunity came up for an associate position here, I took the plunge and it’s been one of the best decisions of my life. Everything I did to get here – pursuing my criminal justice degree at the University of Nevada, earning my law degree at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, passing the bar in Nevada and California, all the clerkships, externships, and internships – was a step in the right direction. Not everyone can say that they love what they do. I’m so grateful that I can.
On a personal note, I’m a Nevada girl, born and raised, with lots of family right here in Northern Nevada. It’s a pleasure to be pursuing my professional career in such a familiar place and I’m thoroughly enjoying raising my own growing family in the town I love.
Charities We Support
Nevada Youth Empowerment Project (NYEP) – http://nyep.org
Truckee Meadows Housing Solutions (TMHS) – https:// truckeemeadowshousingsolutions .org/
Nevada Humane Society – https://nevadahumanesociety. org/
Good Shepherd Clothing Closet – http://www.gsccreno.org/
Res-que – https://res-que.rescuegroups. org/
Lexie’s Gift – https://www.lexiesgift.com/
Solace Tree – http://www.solacetree.org/