Decide the best answer to each question, then select A, B, C or D. If your answer turns GREEN, you have selected the correct answer. If your answer turns RED, you have selected a wrong answer. After you have answered all questions, see count of your correct answers at bottom of the page. You may then go back and change your selections to learn the correct answers.
For 16 questions and a score of 0-8, you have a lot to learn; 9-11, not bad; 12-14 smart person; 15-16 genius but still may need a good lawyer.
B. It is never the wife's fault.
C. It is nobody's fault.
D. The court does not care and does not make any determination who is at fault.
B. Generally all judges favor women, especially in children custody and visitation matters.
C. Gender never influences laws or judges.
D. Laws are constitutionally required to be written and enforced without gender bias. However, historically many custody and support laws were both written and enforced more favorably for women.
B. Always favors the women.
C. Must be divided equally unless the court finds compelling reasons to make unequal dispositions.
D. Always makes everyone unhappy.
B. Is always appointed and hears family law cases only.
C. Is elected and hears civil, criminal, and family law cases.
D. Is appointed and hears civil, criminal, and family law cases.
B. What is best for the children.
C. Who can support the children the best.
D. What is best for the children's mother.
B. Make it appear by your actions that you don't have concerns about your wife's parenting.
C. Cannot let months go by without sharing your children and still expect to get joint physical custody right away in court.
D. All of the above.
B. Can protect assets, businesses and income.
C. Can protect a father later on in custody and visitation determinations.
D. All of the above.
B. Always.
C. Because their decisions can be challenged on appeal, because they are subject to judicial discipline, and because they can continue being a judge only if re-elected for each new term.
D. Because they are handsomely paid.
B. Your attorney especially if she is prepared and respected by the judge.
C. The judge as a human being with her own experiences and inclinations.
D. All of the above.
B. Aggressiveness so she will ask for the moon and at least get you half of it.
C. The most expensive one you can find.
D. None of the above.
B. You fully cooperate with your attorney and quickly respond in supplying information and documents.
C. You show your attorney who's the boss by arguing and complaining about her charges.
D. Neither attorney is incompetent, lazy, uncooperative with the opposing attorney or always litigates.
B. Rely only on the Internet, radio, or TV ads.
C. Call receptionists for attorneys who do not do family law and ask for referrals.
D. Interview or have initial consultations with one or more attorneys.
B. Petition the court for a different financial settlement.
C. Can ignore the court order after the statute of limitations (5 years).
D. Can undermine your children custody and visitation rights and get away with it.
B. 6 weeks.
C. 6 months.
D. 12 months.
B. The spouse earning the most income owns more assets gained while married.
C. Assets gained while married are partly owned by any common children.
D. Both spouses are normally equally entitled to assets earned while married and equally obligated for debts incurred while married (with some exceptions).
B. Interview witnesses and clients; communicate with clients.
C. Collect, organize, and summarize facts and documents.
D. Produce drafts and final copies of letters, pleadings, and related case and court documents for an attorney's review and signature.
Charities We Support
Nevada Youth Empowerment Project (NYEP) – http://nyep.org
Truckee Meadows Housing Solutions (TMHS) – https:// truckeemeadowshousingsolutions .org/
Nevada Humane Society – https://nevadahumanesociety. org/
Good Shepherd Clothing Closet – http://www.gsccreno.org/
Res-que – https://res-que.rescuegroups. org/
Lexie’s Gift – https://www.lexiesgift.com/
Solace Tree – http://www.solacetree.org/